multiple rsync sessions for one file?

Noam Birnbaum noam at
Wed Oct 31 19:39:45 GMT 2007

Hey all,

A customer is configuring an offsite rsync backup.  Their Internet  
pipe is fairly slow (DSL) but they have some very large files to  
backup.  Their backup window is only after business hours.

If one of these large files starts rsyncing at midnight, and the  
backup window ends before the file is complete (i.e. the rsync  
process stops), will it complete the rest of that file the following  
backup window?

If so, is there an easy way to configure rsync to stop execution at a  
specific time?


Noam Birnbaum
877.luv.macs x89

ð Apple Certified Technical Coordinator
ð Apple Certified Help Desk Specialist

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