PATCH: preserve osx creation-date (was: Using pre2 for backing up a mac)

Wayne Davison wayned at
Sun Oct 14 23:55:19 GMT 2007

On Sun, Oct 14, 2007 at 08:14:57PM +0200, Wesley W. Terpstra wrote:
> I've attached a patch which does this. Currently resource forks and finder 
> info get placed into an extended attribute transparently by osx 
> ({ResourceFork/FinderInfo}). This patch makes another "extended 
> attribute" called

Thanks!  I've twiddled your patch a bit and checked it in as a file in
the patches dir (for now, at least):  osx-create-time.diff

I changed the storing of the data to store the time value as 12 bytes of
binary data -- 8 for the time_t value (for future expansion) and 4 for
the nsec value (which always be 0 at present).  The name of the
attribute was changed to (for the moment) .  Since it
is not an official* value, I didn't want to use a name that
Apple might choose in the future.  The name should probably go in the
rsync.* namespace, but I'd need to move the code for reading and writing
the value out of lib/sysxattrs.c into xattrs.c to do that (I believe).
I also enabled the XATTR_NOFOLLOW option for {get,set}attrlist().


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