the --owner option won't work?

Wayne Davison wayned at
Mon Jun 25 03:06:41 GMT 2007

On Sat, Jun 23, 2007 at 05:21:06PM +0800, Mozo wrote:
> Refer to the rsync document, it says rsync will try to map to the
> target UID by username. But rsync client with -a --owner --group
> options will set the owner UID of the target file to 500. Did I miss
> anything?

You haven't given enough detail for us to do more than guess at the
problem.  My #1 guess is that you're using an rsync daemon with chroot
enabled (and no system support files installed), so rsync is forced to
preserve the usernames as if --numeric-ids was specified.  (This is
mentioned in the rsyncd.conf manpage.)

If that's not it, you'll need to be more specific in what command you're


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