Deleting...log path

Max Kipness max at
Fri Jun 22 12:02:30 GMT 2007

> On Thu, Jun 21, 2007 at 03:19:23PM -0500, Max Kipness wrote:
> > The %f settings gives you the full path. This is what I want. The %n
> > setting gives you just the file name.
> No, %n gives you the path to the file within the transfer.  %f
> path info from outside the transfer when output on the sending side or
> by a daemon.

Thanks for the clarification Wayne. I need the path info from outside
whether the file is new, changed or deleted, so that I can log it
appropriately with my application.

> > Could this possibly be a bug?
> It sounds like you're referring to this bug that was fixed in December
> (after 2.6.9 was released):
>  - Fixed a problem with the --out-format (aka --log-format) option:
>    would output superfluous directory information for a non-daemon
> rsync.
> If you try the cvs version, you'll probably find that it's fixed.

I downloaded and installed the CVS version (Rsync 3.0) and although it
looks better in the fact that it's not showing the path the command was
run from, it's still not showing the 'outside' full path as with files
that are new or changed. Here is a sample:

First adding the new file test9.txt:

[root at backup www]#  rsync -e ssh /test/ --stats
--compress --recursive --partial --archive --del --times

Then we delete file test9.txt and run the same command again (note: the
command is run from /var/www):

[root at backup www]#  rsync -e ssh /test/ --stats
--compress --recursive --partial --archive --del --times

It looks better, but I was really hoping this new version would fix this
bug and print 'test/test9.txt ....deleting' on the last line. As you can
see it does not. Will this be fixed in the final version, or are there
any other suggestions? Would running a daemon on the other end correct


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