Hi. help!No such file or directory

Matt McCutchen hashproduct+rsync at gmail.com
Wed Jun 20 13:51:00 GMT 2007

On 6/20/07, 李志坚 <python_lzj at 163.com> wrote:
> I use rsync with cmd line:
> "rsync.exe -vrtlcd /cygdrive/c/test/rsyncroot/111111/001/ --delete "

On 6/20/07, Giuliano Gavazzi <dev+lists at humph.com> wrote:
> rsync uses ssh, so the
> relative paths should routed to the home directory of the user you
> are using. Also, you appear to have the remote host as,
> that is not remote at all!

No, 李志坚 used a double colon, so the destination is in a module of the
rsync *daemon* running on the local machine; this is a perfectly
reasonable thing to do.

> Since you use the --delete option I would be very careful at the what
> I use for target path and *never* use a relative path.

When accessing an rsync daemon, the remote path is always relative to
the root of the module.  Trying to add a slash to make it absolute
won't work.

李志坚: If the suffix of the destination path that might not yet exist
always appears at the end of the source path (as in your example), you
can state the destination path without that suffix and use --relative
to get rsync to create the necessary destination directories based on
the source path.  Here's a modification of your example that does
this.  Note the ./ in the source path that marks the portion rsync is
to recreate inside the stated destination.  You may wish to use
--no-implied-dirs .

rsync.exe -vrtlcd --relative /cygdrive/c/test/rsyncroot/./111111/001/ --delete


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