Archive parameter doesn't preserve owner:group property!

David (Spartoo) david.spartoo at
Fri Jun 1 11:40:31 GMT 2007

>As a convenience and courtesy, rsync attempts to preserve names
across the transfer
I don't know if my request is clear...sorry for my bad english...

I just need to preserve ID...I don't want rsync to convert id to name
group because it takes the name group of the server instead of my
local machine.
I run rsync command in local machine in root, the deamon is run in
root too, in rsyncd.conf in my module I set gid=root, uid=root...I
have tried --numeric-ids parameter...and nothing...
So if you know another tool which do that...

2007/5/31, Tony Abernethy <tony at>:
>  The uid and gid are numbers.  These numbers  **MIGHT** correspond to one
> or more names.
> As a convenience and courtesy, rsync attempts to preserve names across the
> transfer
> Who ever is running the rsync daemon must have the rights to make the
> changes or there is nothing possible for rsync to do.
> To preserve the groups, I think the owner can change groups to/from groups
> that the owner is in.
> You will want to test on you system exactly what is tolerated --- I'd
> expect that the owner needs to belong to both groups.
> If it were me, I'd use chroot and uid=root and gid=root
> --- but then I've found that OPEN-NESS seems to be the only effective and
> cost-effective security mechanism. (Even to ridiculous extents;)
> (Everything else seems like turning out the street lights so the bad guys
> can't see you)
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* at [mailto:
> at] *On Behalf Of *David
> (Spartoo)
> *Sent:* Thursday, May 31, 2007 9:08 AM
> *To:* rsync at
> *Subject:* Re: Archive parameter doesn't preserve owner:group property!
> someone??
> Does I have to set gid and uid to "root"? or can I preserve initial
> owner:group setting uid to "david" and gid to "rsync-users"?
> Can I give to rsync-users the right to preserve owner:group? How?
> Is there a conflict between  --numeric-ids and others parameters? because
> rsync doesn't preserve even "in root" owner:group if gid is a number instead
> of string.
> I have post to many Linux forums...rsync mailing-list is my last chance.
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