change_sacl_perms() and ACLs from Solaris to 2.6 Linux

Matt McCutchen hashproduct+rsync at
Tue Oct 3 02:14:06 GMT 2006

On 10/2/06, Andrew Gideon <c182driver9 at> wrote:
> I also don't know how do_chmod() (which is ACL-ignorant) is changing the mask.

Maybe I didn't make this clear: On Linux, if a file's ACL contains an
ACL_MASK entry, the file's group permission bits (S_IRWXG) are linked
to that entry instead of the ACL_GROUP_OBJ entry.  Statting shows the
ACL_MASK entry, and chmodding changes the ACL_MASK entry.

If I understand you correctly, the S_IRWXG mode bits going over the
wire match the Solaris machine's ACL_GROUP_OBJ entry (that is, r--).
>From Solaris's perspective, this is correct.  However, from Linux's
perspective, this is inconsistent: the mode bits should match the
ACL_MASK entry (rw-).

Rsync assumes that the received mode bits correspond to the received
ACL according to the Linux convention, and the implementation of
change_sacl_perms is correct under this assumption.  In fact,
change_sacl_perms is only necessary because the optimized ACL protocol
omits ACL_USER, ACL_MASK, and ACL_OTHER entries, expecting the
receiver to fill them in from the mode bits.

We should change something so that The Right Thing Happens when a
Solaris rsync sends files to a Linux rsync.  I'm assuming we should
preserve the ACL exactly even though the group mode bits on Linux will
be different from the group mode bits on Solaris.  I see two possible
fixes.  Solaris senders could send an explicit ACL_MASK entry, and
change_sacl_perms could be modified not to override such an entry with
mode bits.  (This might be similar to what you were suggesting with
the racl->mask == NO_ENTRY test.)  Alternatively, Solaris senders
could pretend their group mode bits were equal to the ACL_MASK and
Solaris receivers could ignore group mode bits in favor of the
ACL_GROUP_OBJ; this might be easier.


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