help with uninstalling rsync

Matt McCutchen hashproduct at
Wed Jan 25 23:10:18 GMT 2006

On Wed, 2006-01-25 at 10:34 -0500, Bhuwan Chawla wrote:
> Hi Everyone!
> Can someone tell me the exact mehtod to install Rsync from a
> linuxmachine? thanks!

Rsync consists of three files: the executable rsync and the man pages
rsync.1 and rsyncd.conf.5 (which might be gzipped).  To install rsync,
copy these three files from the build directory to /usr/bin and /usr/man
or similar.  To uninstall rsync, delete the three files from those
places.  That's all there is to it.
Matt McCutchen, ``hashproduct''
hashproduct at --

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