Error creating temporary file on remote PC

Wayne Davison wayned at
Tue Nov 29 16:43:29 GMT 2005

On Tue, Nov 29, 2005 at 07:13:28PM +0530, Vijay Ram Chitrapu (RCVIJAYD) wrote:
> I am facing an error while trying to use the --temp-dir option
> in the rsync version 2.4.8.

I know of no such rsync version (there was a 2.4.6).

> cannot create /tmp/.flash.dat.xxxxx 

The temp-dir option is meant to be relative to the module's path, so
that should be attempting to create the file in /appl/tmp.  There was a
bug in some older rsync versions that might not have enforced that
restriction when chroot wasn't enabled, so you'll need to test to know
for sure what is happening.


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