Consider implmenting a --move or --delete-sent option?

Matt McCutchen hashproduct at
Wed Nov 9 20:53:53 GMT 2005

On Wed, 2005-11-09 at 13:30 -0700, Scott Edwards wrote:
> Are there any plans to add support to rsync for moving files?.  I'd
> like to remove files+directories after they're uploaded.  For the time
> being, I'll use a workaround or do w/o.

There's a --remove-sent-files option, but it removes only regular files
and symbolic links that do not exist or differ on the receiver (i.e.
those that actually had to be sent).  I would also like an option that
removes every file in the transfer from the sender, whether or not it
was updated on the receiver.
Matt McCutchen, ``hashproduct''
hashproduct at --

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