Not same size after sync?
philippe.zenhaeusern at
philippe.zenhaeusern at
Wed Jan 26 17:12:54 GMT 2005
Hello, I'am using rsync with following options to sync a package repository
from the SUN server svsan131 to svsan133 (also SUN Server):
RSYNC -e "ssh -l $SYNC_USER -i $SSH_TOKEN" --rsync-path=/opt/bin/rsync_dir_link -aRHvz --delete $dir $REMOTE_SRV:/
Everything works well, but when I check after both filesystems, I have following difference:
(svsan131:root) # du -ks /pkgpool
6187393 /pkgpool
(svsan131:root) #
(svsan133:root) # du -ks /pkgpool
6187403 /pkgpool
(svsan133:root) #
I can't find the difference, every file has on both systems the same size, I'didn't found
any hidden files (rsync archive?) or something like that. Has anywone an idee,
why there is a difference of 10 kilobytes?
Best regards
Philippe Zenhaeusern
OLU SW Deployment
SOMA Engineering
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