Transferring large amount of files w/ Rsync - Initial transfer
Jan-Benedict Glaw
jbglaw at
Sun Jan 23 12:07:33 GMT 2005
On Sun, 2005-01-23 12:44:28 +0200, israel Gold <rhglaw1 at>
wrote in message <000001c50138$839cb9d0$8d1a4055 at>:
> The following problem has appeared in the past but I have not seen
> satisfactory solution.
> It is common when synchronizing large amount of files over slow link.
Should work, at least if your machine does have enough RAM to keep the
file list in memory...
> I would like to synchronize 1TB of data between local and remote sites
> over WAN.
> For the initial synchronization, I would like to transfer the files from
> the local site to the remote site using tapes,
> and use Rsync only for the incremental synchronization.
No problem.
> After copying the files from the tapes at the remote site, it would have
> been nice if Rsync had an option that would scan
> the files and generate the checksums/hash values necessary for the
> incremental synchronization step.
> (so that I would not need to use Rsync for the initial transfer).
Have you searched the man page for "checksum"? I'm sure you didn't ...
> If this was an option, do I need to generate the checksums/hash values
> on the local site prior to incremental synchronization ?
See manpage :-)
> Is it complicated to add to Rsync an option that would just generate
> checksums/hash values of files so that
> the solution above becomes feasible ?.
No need for that...
Jan-Benedict Glaw jbglaw at . +49-172-7608481 _ O _
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