rsync failing with return code 13
Hargreaves, Paul
paulhar at
Sat Jan 22 22:42:07 GMT 2005
Hi there,
I'm running rsync on an nslu2 (using nslu2-linux) and it keeps failing
with return code 13. The man page doesn't give a good description of
what this means ("Errors with program diagnostics") so could someone
give me a clue. as to what diagnostics rsync is running and reasons why
they might be failing? The only magic to note is the machine only has
32MB of ram so low memory may be a problem (but I'd expect to see error
22 instead).
Paul Hargreaves
Consulting Systems Engineer Network Appliance
2nd Floor, Riley Court
University of Warwick Science Park
Millburn Hill Road
Coventry, CV4 7JJ
paulhar at tel:
mobile: 02476 838815
07714 456244
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