Behavior when lchown is not present
Green, Paul
Paul.Green at
Tue Jan 18 21:19:47 GMT 2005
I have a question about the recent modification to move the handling of
HAVE_LCHOWN from rsync.h to syscalls.c,
The original code was "#ifndef HAVE_LCHOWN". The new code is #ifdef
HAVE_LCHOWN". Surely this is a typo. As a result, on Stratus VOS, which
lacks lchown, the code in do_lchown no longer maps lchown back to chown.
I've checked-in the appropriate change, but I'm mentioning it here just in
case there is something that I have overlooked.
Paul Green, Senior Technical Consultant, Stratus Technologies.
Voice: +1 978-461-7557; FAX: +1 978-461-3610; AIM: PaulGreen
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