Lars Heer
l.heer at
Sat Jan 15 17:27:03 GMT 2005
with rsync-HEAD-20050114-1853GMT
I receive following error:
Warning: unexpected read size of -7004 in map_ptr
ERROR during backup for marge at Sat Jan 15 18:25:47 CET 2005
I only put the self compiled rsync on the executing machine...
Could this be the error?
Am Freitag, den 14.01.2005, 11:26 -0800 schrieb Wayne Davison:
> On Fri, Jan 14, 2005 at 12:38:59PM +0100, Lars Heer wrote:
> > Problem for me is that if remotefile exists the link-dest gets not
> > checked again and I want to be able to pass more than one link-dest
> > to rsync.
> You should typically copy into an empty directory tree when using
> --link-dest to effect maximal linking of existing files. The CVS
> version supports the use of multiple --link-dest options now, so
> this feature will be coming out in the next release (whenever that
> will be). You can try it out now by either checking out the CVS
> version or snagging the latest "nightly" tar file from the rsync
> website.
> ..wayne..
Lars Heer <l.heer at>
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