confused basic updating

ivo welch ivo.welch at
Sun Nov 21 17:23:33 GMT 2004

hi:  I am totally confused here.  this is the simplest application, and 
I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong.  could someone please clue me 
in?  help would be appreciated.  regards,  /iaw

$ rsync -avz remotehost:Finance/oosreview .
receiving file list ... done

sent 16 bytes  received 5214 bytes  1494.29 bytes/sec
total size is 10050681  speedup is 1921.74

   # we have pulled oosreview/oosreview.tex and synced it to here.

$ date
Sun Nov 21 11:39:44 EST 2004

$ ls -l oosreview/oosreview.tex
-rw-r--r--  1 ivo ivo 94464 Nov 21 11:26 oosreview/oosreview.tex

   # ok, the synced oosreview.tex is 13 minutes old

$ touch oosreview/oosreview.tex

   # pretend we have changing it.

$ ls -l oosreview/oosreview.tex
-rw-r--r--  1 ivo ivo 94464 Nov 21 11:40 oosreview/oosreview.tex

   # our file has just aged.

$ rsync -avz remotehost:Finance/oosreview .
receiving file list ... done

sent 846 bytes  received 5254 bytes  1355.56 bytes/sec
total size is 10050681  speedup is 1647.65

   # but rsync decided to "update" it...

$ ls -l oosreview/oosreview.tex
-rw-r--r--  1 ivo ivo 94464 Nov 21 11:26 oosreview/oosreview.tex

   # an earlier version

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