Problems with --exclude

tim rsync at
Wed Jan 28 00:20:43 GMT 2004

Here's another example.  An exclude file containing

+ /mnt/
- /mnt/**

will include the directory /mnt but exclude its contents.


Brian Camp wrote:
> I'm trying to get rsync to exclude the directory 
> "/home/www/users/ftp/pub/" from being copied in the command line below 
> and have not been successful.  I've tried many combinations, such as 
> dropping the /'s and adding *'s,  without any luck.  
> /home/www/users/ftp/pub/ is not part of a symlink, but it is linked to 
> several times within /home.  The local and remote machines are both 
> running rsync 2.5.7 under openbsd 3.4.
> /usr/local/bin/rsync -zqrlptgo --delete --exclude 
> "/home/www/users/ftp/pub/" root at gorgimera:/home/ 
> /home/backup/gorgimera/home/
>  What am I doing wrong?  Any help would be *greatly* appreciated.
> -Brian

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