rsync 2.6.0 - suspected memory leak bug

Wayne Davison wayned at
Wed Jan 21 02:29:58 GMT 2004

On Tue, Jan 20, 2004 at 06:16:34PM -0800, jw schultz wrote:
> As far as i can tell Under inetd each connection should get
> independant rsync process(es) which all exit so there would be no
> rsync processes running unless there is an active connection.

Yes, that's my understanding as well.  He also said that the receiving
side is initiating the connection (and having the problem), so I'm
assuming that he's not complaining about the daemon side.

One other thing I thought of:  Kelly, check for lingering rsync
processe(s) in the process table.  That's the only way I know that
memory could continue to be allocated at the end of a transfer:  if
one of the processes didn't actually exit.


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