How to avoid rsyncing incomplete uploads? (best practice on fileservers?)

Wayne Davison wayned at
Wed Jan 21 02:16:17 GMT 2004

On Tue, Jan 20, 2004 at 03:37:38PM +0100, Peter wrote:
> If rsync starts in the middle of an upload process, will it copy that
> incomplete file to Server B? 

Sure, it copies every file that it finds unless you tell it not to.  The
best way to handle active uploads is to send them to an "in transfer"
dir (which can be ignored) or use a specific idiom for temp-files (which
can also be ignored -- see excludes).  At the end of the transfer, the
ftp sender would then rename the file to its final name/location.  If
you want to limit files based on recency of update, you'll have to make
your own file list and control rsync more directly (such as using the
--files-from option).


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