rsyncing individual files

Aaron W Morris aaronmorris at
Wed Jan 14 21:16:09 GMT 2004

Mayuran Yogarajah wrote:
> Im trying the following command:
> rsync -ae ssh /creative
> rsync fails saying 'no such file or directory' because the
> directories /creative/37295 and consequently /creative/37295/7
> do not exist.  What Im wondering is, is it possible to have
> rsyc make those directories? I want to be able to run that
> rsync command and have rsync create the necessary directories
> and put the file there.
> Thanks

"rsync -aRe ssh /" might do what 
you want.  Your current command should be copying the file to the 
/creative/ directory (not the subdirectories) because you have not 
specified rsync to use relative paths (-R).

Someone correct me if I am wrong.

Aaron W Morris <aaronmorris at> (decep)

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