Problems with rsync with dirctories with spaces in the name

Nunuz Yourbiz msr7x57 at
Fri Jan 9 14:55:38 GMT 2004

Hi guys

I have read read the why's and whyfores and howto's and whento's about 
posting for help, but I'm not sure whether this has already been addressed - 
plenty other Win/spaces-in-dir-names issues have been.

I was running rsync to copy stuff off of a Windows disk onto a Windows disk 
on another machine via Linux - Mdk 9.1 rsync - (rsync-2.5.7-0.1.92mdk) , 
when I first noticed the problem.
I have reproduced it below.

The command I used was
rsync -avz -e ssh /mnt/D/Program\ Files/Activision/WizardsWarriors/* 
richard1 at perthmdk:/mnt/downloads/Program\ Files/Activision

This command gave me the following in the /mnt/downloads directory
[richard1 at PerthMdk richard1]$ ll /mnt/downloads/
total 5344753
drwxrwxr-x   29 richard1 richard1     4184 Jan  9 21:54 Program/

It seems that the rsync (or the shell or whatever) loses everything after 
the whitespace (even though it has a \)

Is this a documented bug? If so is it a problem with rsync or the shell? I 
did try with scp and got the following
[richard1 at SelousMdk richard1]$ scp -r /mnt/D/Program\ 
Files/Activision/WizardsWarriors/* richard1 at perthmdk:/mnt/downloads/Program\ 
scp: ambiguous target

So I suppose it might be a shell problem

Thanks for the great product


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