TODO hardlink performance optimizations

Lester Hightower hightowe-rsync-list at
Sun Jan 4 02:24:00 GMT 2004


I read with interest the mailing list thread found here:

We have a "situation" with rsync and --hard-links that was the reason for
my search in MARC's rsync list archive that turned up the thread shown
above.  After reading through that thread, and other information on this
topic, I believe that sharing our situation with you will in itself prove
to be a good contribution to rsync (which is an excellent tool, BTW).

So, here goes:

We have a process on a backup server (I called it "s" below), that each
night rsyncs a full copy of /, /var, and /usr from a great number of
systems.  As a rule we put /, /var, and /usr on separate partitions, but
that detail is not important.  What is important is to understand exactly
how we do these nightly, full system backups.  First, let me start by
showing you what a small set of the system_backups hierarchy looks like:

root at s:/vol/6/system_backups# find . -type d -maxdepth 1

root at s:/vol/6/system_backups# find . -type d -maxdepth 2|head -25|egrep -v '^\./[^/]+$'|sort

OK, that gives you an idea of how the hierarchy looks.  Here is the critical
part, though.  The logic that creates these each night looks like this:

TODAY=<YYYYMMDD for today>
for HOST in (<hosts>); do
  cp -al $HOST/current $HOST/$TODAY rsync remote $HOST into my local $HOST/current...

For those not familiar with the -l option to cp:

root at s:/vol/6/system_backups# man cp|grep -B1 -A1 'hard links instead'
       -l, --link
              Make hard links instead of copies  of  non-directo-

What we end up with is a tree that is _very_ fast to rsync each night,
with revision history going back indefinitely, at the disk usage cost of
only files that change (rare) and the directories (about 8MB per machine).
Note, however, that the _vast_ majority of file entries on these file
systems (system_backups) are hard links.  Many inodes will have 20, 30, or
more filename entries pointing at them (depending strictly on how much
history we choose to keep).

Keeping all that in mind, now understand that server "s" has /vol/(0..14)
installed in its disk subsystem, and (the important part) each of those
volumes has a slow mirror -- one rsync per day.  We do not keep those
mirrors mounted, but you could think of /vol/0 having a /vol/0_mirror
partner that is rsynced once every twenty-four hours.

All of this works absolutely perfectly, with one exception, the daily
rsync of /vol/N to /vol/N_mirror for volumes that hold system_backups, and
the reason appears to be the --hard-links flag.  Rsync, which is running
completely locally for /vol/N to /vol/N_mirror work, exhausts all of the
RAM and swap allocated to it in this machine (3GB), sends the machine into
a maddening swap spiral, etc.  The issue only exists for /vol/N vols where
we have "system_backups" stored.

I wanted to share this circumstance with you because my reading of the
discussion on this topic, though encouraging, left me with the impression
that some might not be thinking about situations like this one, where it
is perfectly normal and desired to have many hard links to one inode, and
hundreds of thousands of hard links in one file system.

To give you an idea of the type of information one can glean from such a
backup process, here are a couple of examples.  Keep in mind that files
with link-count of 1 changed on the date indicated by the directory:

root at s:/vol/6/system_backups/client1# find 20040102 -links 1 -type f|head -2

root at s:/vol/6/system_backups/client1# diff 20040102/root/.bash_history current/root/.bash_history
< lynx http://localhost:1081 --source | grep Rebuilding | head -1 | cut 10-
> ssh ljacobs at supermag

root at s:/vol/6/system_backups/client1# find 20040102 -links 1 -type f|cut -d/ -f1,2,3,4|sort |uniq -c
      1 20040102/SYMLINKS
      1 20040102/root/.bash_history
      1 20040102/tmp/.803.e4a1
      1 20040102/usr/local/BMS
     54 20040102/usr/local/WWW
     17 20040102/usr/local/etc
      1 20040102/usr/sbin/symlinks
     42 20040102/vol/1/bmshome
      1 20040102/vol/2/webalizer_working
     12 20040102/vol/3/home

You'll notice that the hard link counts in this file system are not very
high yet (only 8), yet it is _very_ intensive to have rsync try to sync
/vol/6system_backups/client1 to /vol/6_mirror/system_backups/client1 with
the --hard-links flag set:

root at s:/vol/6/system_backups/client1# find 20040102 ! -links 1 -type f -printf '%n\t%i\t%s\t%d\t%h/%f\n'|head -50|tail -5
8       11323   10108   2       20040102/bin/mknod
8       11324   25108   2       20040102/bin/more
8       11325   60912   2       20040102/bin/mount
8       11326   10556   2       20040102/bin/mt-GNU
8       11327   33848   2       20040102/bin/mv

If there is anything that I did not articulate clearly, if you have any
followup questions, if you would like us to test some code for you guys,
or if there is anything else that you feel that I can do to help, please
do not hesitate to ask.


Lester Hightower
10East Corp.

p.s.  10East created and now supports the MARC system ( in
various ways, including hosting it, though it is primarily administered by
Mr. Hank Leininger, a good friend and former employee.  I didn't see any
mention of MARC in the rsync web-site.  Please feel free to use it.

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