Rsync doesn't appear to handle large files

jw schultz jw at
Fri Feb 6 22:45:40 GMT 2004

On Fri, Feb 06, 2004 at 02:04:45PM -0800, Buwalda, Mark W wrote:
> I just started using rsync version 2.5.6 on sun solaris 8.
> In trying to mirror a large ufs filesystem, I've noticed that
> Rsync does not copy large files, specifically any file greater 
> Than 2 GB.  
> All other files in the filesystem were mirrored properly.
> Is this a bug/limitation of rsync on solaris, or is there 
> A workaround for this ?

Rsync works fine with huge files (>4GB). 

It may be that your, only 3 months obsolete, binary of rsync
was built incorrectly.  It might also be that the
destination filesystem was built or mounted without large
file support.

	J.W. Schultz            Pegasystems Technologies
	email address:		jw at

		Remember Cernan and Schmitt

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