Feature Request
John Taylor
john at fcs.uga.edu
Wed Apr 28 00:38:29 GMT 2004
What about returning progress status when rsync receives a SIGUSR2?
It looks like there is code to return some sort of status when SIGUSR1
is sent. Is this accurate?
On Tue, Apr 27, 2004 at 02:54:43PM -0700, Chuck Wolber wrote:
> Just built 2.6.1 and started testing it. Nice job guys. I especially love
> the --progress and hardlink tweaks.
> Quite often, while I have systems backing up out of cron, I'd love to be
> able to see the --progress. Unfortunately, it's just not practical to
> crank up the verbosity like that on a regular basis (some of these systems
> have a few million files). A neat feature I'd like to see is the ability
> to attach to a FIFO or something like that, that would (while the process
> is running) allow me to get that information.
> I'm sure that begs the question, why not just redirect to a file and parse
> out what you want when the backup is done? First of all, that's sort of
> ugly. What I have in mind is something a lot simpler. How about something
> *ROUGHLY* analagous to this:
> # cat /proc/$PID/prev
> (4643, 13.2% of 1027477)
> # cat /proc/$PID/curr
> usr/local/rep/3ECBF9879808410/dictdb_3ECBFB89878410OX.db
> # cat /proc/$PID/curr_rate
> 80703888 8% 65.37kB/s 3:51:30
> Or even better is just to update the environment, so a simple "cat
> /proc/$PID/environ" could let you parse out $PREV, $CURR and $CURR_RATE
> from the environment string.
> I'm not much of a C coder, otherwise I'd offer up a patch. Wayne *DID* ask
> for neato features though, so this is my 2c worth.
> -Chuck
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