from S.A..................
helen williams
williams_h2011 at
Thu Apr 22 04:44:31 GMT 2004
Firstly, I must solicit your confidence in this
transaction, this is by virtue of its nature as being utterly
CONFIDENTIAL and TOP SECRET. Though I know that a transaction
of this magnitude will make any one apprehensive and worried,
but I am assuring you that all will be well at the end of the
day. We have decided to contact you by e-mail due to the
urgency of this transaction.
Let me start by first introdusing myself properly to you. I am
Mrs.Helen williams, a Manager at the Standard Bank of South
Africa Limited. I came to know of you in my private search for
a reliable and reputable person to handle a very confidential
transaction which involves the transfer of a huge sum of money
to a foreign account requiring maximum confidence. I am not too
really sure if you are my long lost contact whom I am trying to
reach, but in anyway, please do take this message with a good
heart and report back to me if you are not the person I think
you are. I would explain more latter.
A foreigner, late Engineer Johnson Creek, an Oil Merchant /
contractor with the federal Govenment of South Africa, until
his death three years ago in a ghastly air crash, banked with
us here at Standard Bank of South Africa Limited,and had a
closing balance of USD$38.5M ( Thirty Eight Million, Five
Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) which the bank now
unquestionably expects to be claimed by any of his available
foreign next of kin or alternatively be donated to a
discredited trust fund for alms and ammunition at a military
war college here in South Africa.
Fervent valuable efforts are being made by the Bank to
get in touch with any of the Creek family or relatives but all
have proved to no avail.
It is because of the perceived possibility of not going to
be able to locate any of late Engr. Johnson Creek's next of kin
(he had no known wife and children) that the management under
the influence of our Chairman, board of directors, Retired
Major General Desmond Makemba, that an arrangement for the fund
to be declared "UNCLAIMABLE" and then be subsequently donated
to the Trust Fund for Alms and Ammunition which will further
enhance the courses of war in Africa and the world in general.
In order to avert this negative development, myself and some
of my trusted colleagues here at the bank now seek for your
permission to have you stand as late Engr. Johnson Creek's next
of kin so that the fund,would be subsequently transferred and
paid into your bank account as the beneficiary next of kin. All
documents and proves to enable you get this fund have been
carefully worked out and we are assuring you a 100% risk free
For your assistance, your commission would be 30%. 10% has been
set aside for expenses while the rest would be for myself and
my colleagues for investment purposes in your country.
If this proposal is OK. by you and you do not wish to take
advantage of the trust we hope to bestow on you and your
company, then kindly get to me immediately via my e-mail
furnishing me with your most confidential telephone, fax number
and exclusive e-mail so that I can forward to you the relevant
details of this transaction. Thank you in advance for your
anticipated co-operation.
Mrs. Helen williams
Manager Standard Bank of South Africa Limited
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