Timeout question
Tim Conway
conway at us.ibm.com
Thu Apr 1 16:51:20 GMT 2004
You're looking at an NFS issue. Rsync doesn't apply timeouts to
filesystem access... it treats it like connection establishment. If you
were doing it over ssh, it wouldn't count the time for ssh to establish(or
return an error) in the timeout time. I can't say for certain on the
rsync internal transport - my guess would be that timeout applies even to
establishing the TCP session, there.
Once the stream is established, timeout counts. I don't think it ever
counts in a local->local transfer.
By the way, with NFS mounts, add the -W, as it's already going to have to
read the whole file over the network, and might as well just read and
write it in one step... or does it now reliably notice that a filesystem
is NFS and force -W? I hope not, as fast local NFS and slow WAN would
probably still be better off using the rsync algorithm.
Tim Conway
Unix System Administration
Contractor - IBM Global Services
conway at us.ibm.com
"gianluca gattelli" <ggattelli at fsm.it>
Sent by: rsync-bounces+conway=us.ibm.com at lists.samba.org
03/31/2004 05:34 AM
rsync at lists.samba.org
Timeout question
I've got 2 Fedora Linux (a Master and a Slave) with RSYNC-2.5.7. I need to
keep Master synchronized
every 5 minutes (mounting a remote directory with NFS on Slave).
It runs correctly.
To simulate a problem, I try to disconnect the lan cable.
From the shell of Slave:
rsync -a -v --timeout=10 --delete /mnt/master/ /local/slave
I expect that the process will end after 10 seconds, but it seems frozen.
Then, if I reconnect the lan cable, this message is shown:
rsync: writefd_unbuffered failed to write 424 bytes: phase "unknown":
Broken pipe
rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at
Why the "--timeout" option doesn't work in these conditions?
Thank you in advance.
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