Backup with rsync until one month

Nazar Hassan nhassan at
Wed Nov 26 01:14:54 EST 2003

I use rsync in the company to make a backup every 4 hours.  
but I would like to do in a way like this, that the rsync make a backup of the changed files until one month long. 

EX:- file.bak.001 file.bak.002 .....

This file will be to get always, and so i can get the all files untill an one month old version of the file. 

Is it possible? 


Dipl.-Ing.  Nazar Hassan
Tel  +49 (02 41) 9 91 21-13
Fax +49 (02 41) 9 91 21-59
nhassan at
Databay AG
Hüttenstraße 7
D-52068 Aachen

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