can't delete older file/directory links on another local partition
after `snapshot' type backup script
Dalton Harvie
daltonh at
Wed Mar 12 18:09:42 EST 2003
Thanks for looking at this, and developing rsync. Really useful program that
I rely on. Bit of a newbie but I couldn't find anything on this in these
archives. Hopefully it's a really stupid question!
I'm trying to backup using cp -al and then rsync -auR --delete backup idea
basically as per
I have a separate partition which I remount as rw, then cp -al yesterday's
tree to a new one, say /todays/backup/directory. Then
rsync -auR --delete --delete-excluded --ignore-errors --force
--include-from=$includedfiles / /todays/backup/directory
to copy over any new files from the master (/) and delete any links to files
that are no longer on the master. This puts the root of master at
/todays/backup/directory/ because of -R.
The problem: the links to old files and directories aren't getting deleted.
As I understand --force shouldn't be needed, and I can't
see why --ignore-errors would be necessary either in this case, but they
don't make any difference.
It's all in a perl script (given below) run by cron. Makes no difference
whether run manually by root though. I can remove directories or files from
within the script using rm -r, so I don't think it is a permission or
mounting problem? I have it set up to use ssh by default (relevant?), but -e
rsh doesn't make any difference. I have tried doing this problem with small
test directory trees on a single partition under a single user using the
above command and that works fine. Are there any file/directory deletion
errors that could cause the deletion process to stop, even with
--ignore-errors on?
rsync version 2.5.5, mandrake 8.2
Partition line from /etc/fstab: /dev/hdb1 /old ext3 defaults,ro 1 2
Any help appreciated --- I'm running out of disk space!
SCRIPT: relevant part is after 'now do rsync for real'
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# ARCHIVE: script written to backup all info specified in archive.files
# Dalton Harvie, 24/2/03
# version 2: 26/2/03: include ls -l infor in archive.trans listing
# version 3: 10/3/03: including --force in rsync command to hopefully remove
old directories
# wanted:
# 1) don't die without remounting /old as ro
# 2) gzip everthing and don't transfer unnecessary stuff if already there but
# definitions
# define strings to define platform dependent functions
# $archivepart is a string specifying the partition which contains $archivedir
# $archivedir is the absolute path to archive structure
#$archivedir='/home/daltonh/tmp/old'; # defined globally
$archivedir='/old'; # so structure will be /old/old2003
# $log is a directory where the logfile archive.log should be stored
# $includedfiles is a filename which specifies in rsync format what files to
# open logfile in $log directory and append new info
open(LOG, ">>$log/archive.log");
print LOG "archive script version $version called at ".(scalar
# remount partition where the archive is in in rw mode
$systemcall="$MOUNT -w -o remount $archivepart";
(!(system($systemcall))) or do {print LOG "could not $systemcall\n"; die;};
# create backup directory if one hasn't already been specified
createdir($dir); # call subroutine createdir to create the directory and
possibly the tree too
print LOG "created directory for archive $dir\n";
# copy (hard link) files to directory from recent which has the previous tree
(if it exists)
if (-e $recent and (-d $recent or -l $recent)) { # have established that
recent exists and that it's a link or directory
# copy (actually hard link) contents of $recent to new $dir, recursively,
preserving atributes and copying but not following soft links
$systemcall="$CP -al $recent/* $dir";
(!(system($systemcall))) or do {print LOG "could not $systemcall\n"; die;};
# now remove link ready for new one to be put in place
unlink $recent or do {print LOG "could not unlink $recent\n"; die;};
# remove old archive.trans file if possible
if (-e "$dir/archive.trans") {unlink "$dir/archive.trans" or print LOG "could
not unlink $dir/archive.trans\n";}
# rsync files to the new directory
# options: -a = -r (recursive) l (recreate symbolic links) ptgo (preserve
permissions, time, group, ownership) D (copy devices)
# -u = update
# -R = relative filenames (eg /home/joeblogg -> old/home/joeblogg)
# --delete = remove files from destination that aren't in source
# --delete-excluded = remove files from destination that aren't
included in transfer either
# --include-from=$includedfiles = specify what to copy
# first check that $includedfiles exists
if (!(-f $includedfiles)) {print LOG "$includedfiles file does not exist\n";
# this bit modified for version 2
# open TEMP file and write out to this the transfer listing and some other
open(TEMP, ">$dir.temp") or do {print LOG "could not open $dir.temp\n"; die;};
# assemble systemcall to run rsync for output purposes
$systemcall="$RSYNC -auRn --delete --delete-excluded
--include-from=$includedfiles / $dir";
print TEMP "archive script version $version called at ".(scalar
print TEMP "rsync command: $systemcall\n";
print TEMP "archive directory $dir\n";
print TEMP "this file contains a listing of files that were transferred for
this backup\n";
print TEMP ('_'x120)."\n";
print TEMP `$systemcall`;
print TEMP ('_'x120)."\n";
close TEMP;
# now, open TEMP again, this time for reading
open(TEMP, "<$dir.temp") or do {print LOG "could not open $dir.temp\n"; die;};
# open TRAN, the destination file for this info, for writing
open(TRAN, ">$dir.trans") or do {print LOG "could not open $dir.trans\n";
# loop through initial lines, reading from TEMP and writing to TRAN
while (<TEMP>) {
print TRAN $_;
if (/^building file list/) {last;} # this indicates the next line will be
file listings
# now loop through file names, using ls -l to give file specifics
while (<TEMP>) {
if (/^wrote/) {print TRAN $_; last;} # this indicates that we have
finished the file listings
print TRAN `$LS -l $_` or print TRAN "problem listing $_";
# write out final lines
while (<TEMP>) {
print TRAN $_;
close TRAN;
close TEMP;
# get rid of TEMP
unlink "$dir.temp" or print LOG "could not unlink $dir.temp\n";
# now do rsync for real
# trying to work out why directories aren't deleted --- maybe permission
problem? --- nah don't think so as rm -r works
# shouldn't need --force or --ignore-errors according to me
$systemcall="$RSYNC -auR --delete --delete-excluded --ignore-errors --force
--include-from=$includedfiles / $dir";
(!(system($systemcall))) or do {print LOG "could not $systemcall\n"; die;};
# temp old
#$systemcall="$RSYNC -auR --delete --delete-excluded --force
--include-from=$includedfiles / $dir";
#(!(system($systemcall))) or do {print LOG "could not $systemcall\n"; die;};
# temp try just deleting something using this script --- works
#$systemcall="rm -r $dir/home/daltonh/balls/herbo/ir1";
#(!(system($systemcall))) or do {print LOG "could not $systemcall\n"; die;};
# if possible move transfer file to directory
if (!(-e "$dir/archive.trans")) { # this is an unlikely possibility if
archive.trans already exists
$systemcall="$MV $dir.trans $dir/archive.trans";
(!(system($systemcall))) or print LOG "could not $systemcall\n";
# create a new soft link from the new directory to $recent
if (!(-e $recent)) # true if $recent doesn't exist
$systemcall="$LN -s $dir $recent";
(!(system($systemcall))) or do {print LOG "could not $systemcall\n"; die;};
print LOG "$recent link cannot be made because of existing file\n";
# remount partition where the archive is in in ro mode
$systemcall="$MOUNT -r -o remount $archivepart";
(!(system($systemcall))) or do {print LOG "could not $systemcall\n"; die;};
print LOG "archive finished\n".('_'x80)."\n";
# subroutine to check and create backup directory tree
# new directory (complete path from root) is given by $dir
sub createdir
# set date variables
$year=(localtime)[5]+1900; # portable date functions
# loop through all required directories up to final checking and creating if
# change directory permissions
if (!(-d $archivedir)) {print LOG "archivedir $archivedir does not
exist\n"; die;}
foreach $dirc ($diryear,$dirmonth)
if (!(-d $dirc)) {mkdir ($dirc, 0755) or do {print LOG "can't make $dirc:
$! \n"; die;};}
# now loop through possible directory suffixes finding a directory that
hasn't been created yet
foreach $diradd ('','a'..'z','A'..'Z')
$dirtry=$dirday.$diradd; # add a suffix to the default day
if (!(-d $dirtry)) # test if that directory exists
mkdir ($dirtry, 0755) or do {print LOG "can't make $dirtry: $!\n";
$dir=$dirtry; # must have made directory if we
reach here
if ($dir) {last;} # if $dir has been set then a directory has
been creted
# check that a directory actually was created
if (!($dir))
print LOG "ran out of directory suffixes when attempting to create
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