Question regarding exclude and invalid arg messages
jw schultz
jw at
Mon Jun 30 19:25:21 EST 2003
On Mon, Jun 30, 2003 at 11:11:59AM +0200, Morten Primdahl wrote:
> jw schultz wrote:
> >On Mon, Jun 30, 2003 at 09:42:57AM +0200, Morten Primdahl wrote:
> >
> >>Hi,
> >>
> >>I'm running rsync 2.5.6. I use it to backup a RH 7.3 file server
> >>(samba+appletalk) to a FAT32 external HD. I get the following output:
> >
> >
> >Huh? What in the world are you doing? That description
> >sounds very strange.
> Oh, I better try and clarify, sorry. By external, I meant a removable
> firewire drive. So I'm using rsync between directories on the same
> machine, the target being the FAT32 firewire drive.
> >I presume the RH box is the source, what is the rsync
> >destination box, how does samba+appletalk get involved for a
> >FAT32.
> Yep, the RH box is the source, and it is the file server. I mentioned
> samba+appletalk in order to try and explain the potentially odd looking
> file/folder names.
> >>.1e6prS failed: Invalid argumentsp_ind/Emails ind/.Icon
> >>.fJ98aa failed: Invalid argumentsp_ud/Emails ud/.Icon
> >>.qLRVCT failed: Invalid argumentkt/02_Tegninger/planer/ai/.Icon
> >>.zM65uw failed: Invalid argumentkt/02_Tegninger/planer/fmz/.Icon
> >
> >
> >The above messages are garbage. Incomplete.
> >
> >
> >>mkstemp 2001_12_Villa_OpNed/01_Korrespondance ind/01
> >>Bygherre/Emails/.<None>.1.1.8sX6No failed: Invalid argument
> >
> >
> >This makes little sense. Are you sure you ran configure?
> >One other thing. Don't allow line-wrapping of error
> >messages.
> Ah, I'm not running an rsync server, so I haven't run configure
> (pardon my poor initial explanation again).
I'm talking about the build procedure. If rsync was correctly
built we should not be seeing an "mkstemp _pathname_ failed:
invalid argument" message where the pathname does not end
with ".XXXXXX".
> And line-wrapping, this is just from stdout/stderr from rsync,
> but I'll look into how to remove the line-wrapping.
> >>What exactly constitutes the bad argument here? I'd guess the
> >>dot-folder.
> >
> >
> >What "dot-folder"? If you are talking about the garbage
> >lines and .Icon is a folder i know it isn't mkstemp that is
> >the problem but there is no telling what is.
> Yes, I was talking about the garbage lines and the .Icon folder.
> I was trying to decipher the garbage lines and believed that
> there was something in the file/dir structure that made rsync
> choke.
What exactly is the file, not directory, path involved?
You may want to use -vvv
J.W. Schultz Pegasystems Technologies
email address: jw at
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