--copy-unsafe-links, links preserved in source tree or local directory?

Scott Mcdermott smcdermott at questra.com
Thu Jan 2 23:24:44 EST 2003

Seth Olsen on Thu  2/01 15:02 -0800:
> I'm a bit confused about what the '--copy-unsafe-links' option 
> considers the 'source tree'.  In the man page it says that for links
> pointing outside the 'source tree' the file will be copied,

I think it means, any link that points to a location whose parent dirs
don't eventually go back to the source dir.

> but when I try this, for all links pointing outside of the local
> directory the files are copied even though the links point to files
> that are in the directory tree that is being rsynced.

right, they are in the "source tree" so rsync copies them...you are
using `l' flag right?

> Is this the expected behaviour? Is the 'source tree' just the current
> directory?

rsync src dest

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