Question on --include-from option.

Wayne Davison wayned at
Thu Aug 14 02:00:32 EST 2003

On Wed, Aug 13, 2003 at 04:43:44PM +0100, Loris Serena wrote:
> The command was actually split on two lines by the mailer! ;-(

I know, that still doesn't give you a destination since the
--include-from option is just a filter on the source.  If the
ppukweb8:/tmp/loris is your actual destination, then you need to insert
the source in front of it (it's assumed to be the source since it is the
first arg on the line).

> What I'm doing here is basically some testing with the --include-from
> option.

Have you read the manpage?  All include directives are relative to the
source.  Like this:

+ /testrsync1/
+ /testrsync2/
+ /testrsync3/
- /*/

rsync -azv -e ssh --stats --include-from=/tmp/rsync-include-file /tmp/loris/ ppukweb8:/tmp/loris

> Plus, I'd like to push this rsync copy from one box to other six
> boxes.  Is there a smart way of doing this simultaneously, or do I
> have to script a for loop for every different destionation host?

If the 6 boxes stay in lock step without ANY chance of divergence, you
can use the batch processing (see the man page).


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