exit code 23 - inappropriate error for copying symlinks?
Kevin J Walters
kjw at ms.com
Tue May 21 07:08:03 EST 2002
>>>>> "k" == Kevin J Walters <kjw at ms.com> writes:
k> I've just created a small directory as an example, it holds a file and
k> two symlinks that don't point to anything, and another symlink going
k> nowhere in a subdirectory.
k> rsync (2.5.5) is happy to copy these but produces an error. I can't
k> see why it considers this an error? It's not even aborting after it
k> first encounters this 'error'.
Ah, i'm using rsync 2.5.5 at one end, and rsync 2.4.3 at remote end.
The problem goes away when i specify the correct matching version with
Kevin J Walters Morgan Stanley
kjw at ms.com, kjw at acm.org 20 Cabot Square
Tel: 020 7425 7886 Canary Wharf
Fax: 020 7677 8504 London E14 4QW
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