FW: rsync(cygwin) problem
Little, Brian -AES
Brian.Little at itt.com
Wed May 15 07:03:02 EST 2002
I installed cygwin this week on a W2K box w/all the latest SP's. The
version of rsync is 2.5.5 protocol v26.
When I execute #rsync -xa rsync://archive.progeny.com/CPAN I get the
rsync: faliled to connect to archive.progeny.com: Connection refused
rsync error: error in socket IO (code 10) at clientserver.c(97)
I've read the man pages, searched mailings archives at both rsync & cygwin
sites to no avail. Sent an e-mail to NoVALug. Anybody run into this? I'm
assuming that it is unable to bind to the network socket. Do I need to
reinstall/recompile something? Oh and I've tried it from my Linux box at
home so I know that the server is available.
I was also wondering why the following fails. #rsync -xa
rsync://archive.progeny.com:CPAN This is the format that is described to use
on the CPAN site and also in the man pages. The : notation for the
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