a problem I'm having with rsync-4.5.4
George.R.Goffe at seagate.com
George.R.Goffe at seagate.com
Sun May 5 19:37:02 EST 2002
I'm trying to update (rsyncronize) a system that I've placed in another
state where I have replaced the networker with a new version that's
pointing to a new and different server.
I'm running with the following parameters: /usr/lsd/SunOS.5.7/bin/rsync -n
-vvacrRlpogtuxz --stats --progress . sjsun5x:/usr
When I run rsync I ask rsync to exclude anything */nsr* in an excludes
file. Some of the files are excluded like the binaries from /usr/bin/nsr*
but other files are not being excluded that match the pattern */nsr*.
I have a log file but it's fairly big so I'm cutting it down to size.
Can anyone comment on this please? Is this a George problem or an rsync
problem? Maybe I'm not reading the output correctly? Where it says ...file
is newer, does that mean that rsync will update the file or not?
Regards and thanks for the help,
exclude file:
# filex to be EXCLUDED FROM copying...
the log file (part of it):
excluding directory lib/nsr because of pattern */nsr*
excluding file sbin/nsr_shutdown because of pattern */nsr*
excluding file sbin/nsr_support because of pattern */nsr*
excluding file sbin/nsradmin because of pattern */nsr*
share/man/man1m/nsr.1m is newer
share/man/man1m/nsr_crash.1m is newer
share/man/man1m/nsr_shutdown.1m is newer
share/man/man1m/nsradmin.1m is newer
share/man/man1m/nsralist.1m is newer
share/man/man1m/nsrarchive.1m is newer
share/man/man1m/nsrcap.1m is newer
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