Newbie question on Rsync on Solaris
Crisler, Jon
JCrisler at
Fri May 3 09:49:03 EST 2002
I want to replicate between two Solaris hosts. The source is Solaris 2.6
and the target is Solaris 2.8. Using rsh, the basic program seems fine (not
running in daemon mode), but I have a problem.
The directory tree is about 150,000 files, with about 5 gb of data. I
tar'd the directory and moved it to the other side, but when I run an rsync
against that directory, it still wants to move the entire collection !!
Since 99% of the files have not changed since the tar, it should only find
about 50 mb of differences. Here is what I am doing....
On source, run:
rsync -rvutogp -n --delete --stats --progress \
--exclude-from=/utils/exc_rsync_applcsf.txt \
--rsync-path=/usr/local/bin \
/data/u01/app/applmgr/product/1102/prd \
remoteuser at remotehost:/data/u01/app/applmgr/product/1102/prd
The exclude file is:
Other info: usernames, uid and gid are the same on both systems. rsync
2.5.4 installed in /usr/local/bin on both systems.
Any clues ? I plan to try to sync the entire directory once per day, and
two smaller directories every 15 minutes.
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