rsync over commercial SSH?

Adrian.Blakey at Adrian.Blakey at
Wed Mar 13 09:55:08 EST 2002

I get the following error running rsync 2.5.2 on AIX 4.3 in combination
with SSH Secure Shell 2.3.0.

> rsync -e ssh myuserid at localhost:/tmp
myuserid's password:
/bin/ksh: rsync:  not found.
unexpected EOF in read_timeout

This is using the SSH Communications Security Corp version of ssh. I also
get the same error talking to another host which is also running commercial

Note: my PATH is set to include /usr/local/bin which is where rsync and ssh
are installed. rsync was installed from the binary distribution.

Now interestingly enough if I try the same test, but this time
communication with a Linux box which is running OpenSSH, things work as
expected. e.g.

rsync -e ssh linuxid at
Host key not found from database.
Key fingerprint:
gfsdgfg-sdsdfsdf-sdfsdf ....
You can get a public key's fingerprint by running
% ssh-keygen -F public-key
on the keyfile.
Are you sure you want to continue (yes/no)? yes
Host key saved to /home/...
host key for ...
linuxid's password:
drwxr-xr-x     552 2002/03/12 16:25:36 tmp
wrote 24 bytes read 38 bytes 5.90 bytes/sec
total size is 0 speedup is 0.00

Any ideas?

Adrian Blakey

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