Error in rsync that I don't understand..

Dave Dykstra dwd at
Tue Jan 15 09:11:28 EST 2002

On Mon, Jan 14, 2002 at 02:03:04PM -0800, Sri Ramkrishna wrote:
> > No, I really don't see how it would be possible for rsync to print that
> > error.  I also see no occurrences of the string "bind:" or "bytes :".
> I agree that it's not rsync source thats causing the problem, but something in
> the rsync code calls a system call that calls the one thats failing?  Do you
> see what I mean?  It's an indirect reference not the rsync code itself.  I
> agree it's not rsync's I think I'll try to pursue on my own since
> it's happening on multiple machines and I don't see this on other platforms.

No, I don't think so because rsync clients don't even call bind(); rsh does
that.  The only time rsync calls bind() is when it is running as a --daemon
in the background (not from inetd.conf).

> > What's the simplest command you can run to repeat the problem?  Often just
> > the process of narrowing down a problem points to the solution.
> Yep thats what I'm doing..divide and conquer. :-)
> sri

- Dave

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