rsyncd log in common log format?

Martin Pool mbp at
Thu Feb 28 10:53:56 EST 2002

On 27 Feb 2002, root <root at> wrote:
> I'm having trouble getting rsync to output the log into common log format.
> My web statistics program Webalizer ( wants the logs in 
> Common Log Format ( 

That sounds like a cool idea.

> Briefly, that's a string
>   host ident authuser date request status bytes 
> subject to some conditions (for instance, the date is in square
> brackets).

Perhaps you can configure or patch webalizer to be more generous in
what it accepts as a log line?  I think analog for example is
configurable in this way.

rsync automatically adding the date when writing to a file is kind of
dumb, but there you go.

Perhaps you could write a little Perl script to strip off the first
few fields?


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