no output from perl script

Robert Silge rsilge at
Mon Apr 22 16:20:03 EST 2002

Here is the first Perl script I've tried to write to run rsync. It seems to
work, but I don't see the progress like I should. I apologize if it's
sloppy, I should add that it's not only the first perl script I've written
for rsync, it's the first perl script I've written at all.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

print "
This command will DELETE EVERYTHING in Remote~/Research
UNLESS it is also found in Local~/Research.
Do you really wish to do this?
[N/yes]: ";

$answer = <STDIN>;
chomp $answer;

if ( $answer eq "yes" ) {
        print "\nOK, here we go.\n";
        `rsync -auvz --progress --delete -e ssh
Remote:/home/user/rsync-testing /home/user`

else {
        print "\nabort mission\n";


Thanks for the help.


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