Confused by modules

Dave Dykstra dwd at
Sat Oct 13 00:14:51 EST 2001

On Fri, Oct 12, 2001 at 09:37:18AM +0100, Paul Donovan wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm confused as to the purpose of rsync modules.  I know how to set them up
> in rsyncd.conf, and can list the available modules on a remote linux machine
> using 'rsync camlinux01::' from a Win32 client, but I can't find any
> information on what they are actually for.

Basically they're a convenience to be able specify different top level
directories and give different characteristics to each.  Normally people
do not want to expose their whole filesystem to people without logins, which
would be the other alternative.

> The man page for rsyncd.conf talks about them as if they are vitaly
> important, but the man page for rsync doesn't mention them anywhere other
> than the part about how to list them on a remote machine. I'd like to be
> able to set up a module such as:
> [tlibs]
>     path = /rsynctest/tlibs
>     comment = Latest SCEI libraries and tools
> and then be able to get the full hierarchy of folders and files inside the
> /rsynctest/tlibs folder.  I can get them by doing 'rsync -acvzP -e ssh
> root at camlinux01:/rsynctest/tlibs .' , but that means I have to know the
> specific directory.  How do I say that I want the [tlibs] module without
> knowing the path?

Just refer to it as "tlibs":
    rsync -acvzP camlinox01::tlibs .

> My apologies if I've missed anything obvious.
> Thanks,
> Paul Donovan
> Senior Programmer
> SCEE Cambridge

- Dave Dykstra

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