[Q] multicasting product ?

Ph. Marek marek at bmlv.gv.at
Thu Dec 20 17:45:55 EST 2001

>>So my question is: does anyone know of a product which does reliable
>>multicasting? (source available would be preferred)
>  At our company, we have a mrsync running for a couple of months
>  now.  mrsync is to transfer files to many machines at the same
>  time using UDP and multicast.  I attached at the end of this message
>  the excerpt from the docs of mrync.
>    If this is what you need, we can contribute this program to the
>  openSource.
Well, I'm certainly interested.

But, as this send whole files, I'm a little bit irritated about the name
"mrsync" - wouldn't mrcp or mtftp be better?

But otherwise this could be exactly what I need.
Please let me know as soon as this is available somewhere as GPL or BSD or
similar license!



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