[Q] multicasting product ?

Alexei Novikov anovikov at heron.itep.ru
Wed Dec 19 22:56:02 EST 2001

On Wednesday 19 December 2001 14:11, Ph. Marek wrote:

> Now that RSYNC has RSYNC+ included a good usage would be to use RSYNC+ to
> gather update-date, then multicast that on your hosts and process it.

First of all rsync+ was around for quite a long time (2 years at least). 
Second thing is that if you are not going to use multicasting only in your 
own AS it will be extreme administration burden to set-up infrastructure.

> So my question is: does anyone know of a product which does reliable
> multicasting? (source available would be preferred)
> Simple pointers are appreciated; if noone has one I'm thinking about
> writing one myself.

Please have a look at the YOID (http://www.aciri.org/yoid/). No software, 
only white papers. If this kind of distribution is of interest to you, I'd be 
glad to discuss this with you.

> Thanks for all help!
> Phil
> -
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