--delete option not working

Stephen Carville carville at cpl.net
Wed Aug 8 11:26:35 EST 2001

On Wed, 8 Aug 2001 Steven at heimann.com.au wrote:

- On 08/08/2001 Stephen Carville wrote
- >I am trying to use rsync to move backup file from a cople of Oracle
- >servers to another machine where they will be backed up to tape.
- <snip>
- >The problem is the --delete is not working.  After the transfer is
- >complete, I can do an 'ls' on the two directories and the files not on
- >the source machine are still on the destination.  Needles to say this
- >is filling up the target disk very quickly.
- <snip>
- I am fairly new to rsync but have found writing to rsync in daemon mode to
- be unreliable.  I changed to rsync over ssh (at the suggestion of someone
- on this list) and all my problems instantly disappeared.  Well perhaps not
- all my problems,  but the rsync related ones did.

Thank you for the sugesstion.  I went ahead and tried that:

rsync --rsh=ssh -vv --recursive --delete /source/dir/* \

but it still does not delete the files!

Worse, there is no error reported.  rsync just does not delete the

--Stephen Carville http://www.heronforge.net/~stephen/gnupgkey.txt
Government is like burning witches:  After years of burning young
women failed to solve any of society's problems, the solution was to
burn more young women.

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