[SCM] The rsync repository. - branch master updated

Rsync CVS commit messages rsync-cvs at lists.samba.org
Tue Jun 23 02:21:50 UTC 2020

The branch, master has been updated
       via  622a1169 A few more man page tweaks.
      from  b51b0b32 Get the NEWS heading idiom right.


- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 622a116917fe18d9d5f4a6f0b458adc2f69b4452
Author: Wayne Davison <wayne at opencoder.net>
Date:   Mon Jun 22 19:21:32 2020 -0700

    A few more man page tweaks.


Summary of changes:
 rsync.1.md | 9 ++++-----
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

Changeset truncated at 500 lines:

diff --git a/rsync.1.md b/rsync.1.md
index b8647ace..44b4a62a 100644
--- a/rsync.1.md
+++ b/rsync.1.md
@@ -2327,22 +2327,21 @@ your home directory (remove the '=' for that).
     >     rsync -aiv --zc=zstd --zl=22 host:src/ dest/
-    For zlib & zlibx compression, the valid values are from 1 to 9 with 6 being
+    For zlib & zlibx compression the valid values are from 1 to 9 with 6 being
     the default.  Specifying 0 turns compression off, and specifying -1 chooses
     the default of 6.
-    For zstd compression, the valid values are from -131072 to 22 with 3 being
+    For zstd compression the valid values are from -131072 to 22 with 3 being
     the default. Specifying 0 chooses the default of 3.
-    For lz4 compression, there are no levels available, so the level is always
-    0.
+    For lz4 compression there are no levels, so the value is always 0.
     If you specify a too-large or too-small value, the number is silently
     limited to a valid value.  This allows you to specify something like
     `--zl=999999999` and be assured that you'll end up with the maximum
     compression level no matter what algorithm was chosen.
-    If you want to know the compression level that is in effect, specify the
+    If you want to know the compression level that is in effect, specify
     `--debug=nstr` to see the "negotiated string" results.  This will report
     something like "`Client compress: zstd (level 3)`" (along with the checksum
     choice in effect).

The rsync repository.

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