[SCM] rsync branch, patches, updated. ae306a2933c7617493d80f46d891911634ec43d0

rsync-cvs at lists.samba.org rsync-cvs at lists.samba.org
Sat Aug 2 22:10:51 GMT 2008

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "rsync".

The branch, patches has been updated
       via  ae306a2933c7617493d80f46d891911634ec43d0 (commit)
      from  36e715fdf295b975105dce63581d9cf9f154f34f (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit ae306a2933c7617493d80f46d891911634ec43d0
Author: Wayne Davison <wayne at opencoder.net>
Date:   Sat Aug 2 14:46:07 2008 -0700

    The patches for 3.0.4pre2.


Summary of changes:
 acls.diff                      |    2 +-
 atimes.diff                    |   48 +++++++++++++-------------
 backup-dir-dels.diff           |   10 +++---
 catch_crash_signals.diff       |    8 ++--
 checksum-reading.diff          |   46 +++++++++++++-------------
 checksum-updating.diff         |   62 +++++++++++++++++-----------------
 checksum-xattr.diff            |    4 +-
 copy-devices.diff              |   12 +++---
 crtimes.diff                   |   52 ++++++++++++++--------------
 date-only.diff                 |    4 +-
 db.diff                        |   12 +++---
 detect-renamed-lax.diff        |    8 ++--
 detect-renamed.diff            |   62 +++++++++++++++++-----------------
 downdate.diff                  |    6 ++--
 dparam.diff                    |   15 +-------
 drop-cache.diff                |    2 +-
 fileflags.diff                 |   72 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 fsync.diff                     |    2 +-
 ignore-case.diff               |    8 ++--
 link-by-hash.diff              |   16 ++++----
 log-checksum.diff              |   36 ++++++--------------
 munge-links.diff               |   12 +------
 nameconverter.diff             |    2 +-
 omit-dir-changes.diff          |    8 ++--
 openssl-support.diff           |    4 +-
 osx-xattr-nodev.diff           |    2 +-
 preallocate.diff               |   12 +++---
 remote-option.diff             |   19 ++++-------
 slow-down.diff                 |    6 ++--
 slp.diff                       |    8 ++--
 source-backup.diff             |    2 +-
 source-filter_dest-filter.diff |    8 ++--
 sparse-block.diff              |    2 +-
 time-limit.diff                |    6 ++--
 transliterate.diff             |   16 ++++----
 usermap.diff                   |   32 ++++++++++++++---
 xattrs.diff                    |    2 +-
 37 files changed, 304 insertions(+), 324 deletions(-)


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