[clug] Ansible getting distribution

Bob Edwards bob at cs.anu.edu.au
Wed Jul 22 02:05:18 UTC 2020

On 22/7/20 10:05 am, Chris Smart via linux wrote:
> On Wed, 22 Jul 2020, at 09:21, Bob Edwards via linux wrote:
>> Thanks to those who replied.
>> Turns out that to get the "ansible_lsb" facts, you need the lsb-release
>> package installed, which some Debian installs included, and others
>> didn't, but all Ubuntu installs did.
>> I'll make sure it is installed in future... before running ansible...
> I don't think that you should need to use ansible_lsb facts in order to determine the distro, though... and therefore if so you don't need to worry about it being installed.
> You should be able to get the distro and release info without it (like in my example) which I think probably comes from /etc/os-release, which is provided by base-files.

Thanks for your help, Chris.

I applied your distro.yaml (thanks!) and this is what I got:

TASK [Print out distro] 
ok: [csittest.anu.edu.au] => { 

     "ansible_distribution": "Ubuntu" 


ok: [wallaman.anu.edu.au] => { 

     "ansible_distribution": "Debian" 


ok: [focaltmp1.vdi-dev] => { 

     "ansible_distribution": "VARIABLE IS NOT DEFINED!" 


ok: [focaltmp3.vdi-dev] => { 

     "ansible_distribution": "VARIABLE IS NOT DEFINED!"
ok: [csitnode53.anu.edu.au] => {
     "ansible_distribution": "Debian"

TASK [Print out distro release] 
ok: [csittest.anu.edu.au] => {
     "ansible_distribution_version": "20.04"
ok: [wallaman.anu.edu.au] => {
     "ansible_distribution_version": "10.4"
ok: [focaltmp1.vdi-dev] => {
     "ansible_distribution_version": "VARIABLE IS NOT DEFINED!"
ok: [focaltmp3.vdi-dev] => {
     "ansible_distribution_version": "VARIABLE IS NOT DEFINED!"
ok: [csitnode53.anu.edu.au] => {
     "ansible_distribution_version": "10.3"

When I connect to focaltmp1 I can see:
ansible at focaltmp1:~$ cat /etc/os-release
VERSION="20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa)"
PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 20.04 LTS"
ansible at focaltmp1:~$ ls -las /etc/os-release
0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 21 Apr 15 21:09 /etc/os-release -> 
ansible at focaltmp1:~$ ls -las /usr/lib/os-release
4 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 378 Apr 15 21:09 /usr/lib/os-release
ansible at focaltmp1:~$

So, looks like "ansible_distribution" facts are likely not coming from

I guess I should just roll up my sleeves and take a look at the source.
Although installing lsb-release fixes my immediate problem (and my
Ansible tasks were already using "ansible_lsb.id" etc. in multiple

Bob Edwards.

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