[clug] vi - Moving to the end of the previous word.

Brett Worth brett.worth at gmail.com
Tue Feb 4 04:07:02 UTC 2020

Believe it or not I have been using "vi" for the past 36 years but there's something that 
bugs me.

When moving around I always use:

     W    - Move forward to the first character of a whitespace delimited word
     B    - Move back to the first character of a whitespace delimited word
     E    - Move forward to the end of the current word or if already at the end of a word 
go to the end of the next word.

But when I want to move the the last character of the previous word I'm stumped.  I end up 



     BBE if I'm not on the first character.

Does anyone know if there's a non-composite command to do that?


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