[clug] Linux Resources

Paul Wayper paulway at mabula.net
Mon Jul 29 09:29:06 UTC 2019

On 28/7/19 11:31 pm, Brenton Ross via linux wrote:
> While I agree with what Paul has written, especially about having a
> project to provide some real world incentive, I would like to make a
> couple of small points in defence of paper books:
> They allow you to find things you were **not** looking for. Thumbing
> through a book can frequently introduce you to some idea that while not
> directly related to your immediate problem it does widen your knowledge
> base. If all you ever read about is stuff directly concerned with your
> immediate problem you are likely to miss out on a lot of other
> concepts.
> As for books being "out of date", well that depends on the type of book
> you buy. Get ones that discuss the underlying theory rather than the
> popular topic of the day.

Good points, well made :-)

Have fun,


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