[clug] Is a weekly RAID scrub too much?

Paul Wayper paulway at mabula.net
Mon Feb 27 11:28:46 UTC 2017

On 27/02/17 11:05, Rodney Peters wrote:
> Perhaps not quickly.  I do run BTRFS, although on a systemd system and might
> need a bit of reading to figure out what the equivalent grep phrase would be.

journalctl --no-pager | grep "csum failed ino"

I'm not sure from journalctl's man page what a 'SYSLOG IDENTIFIER' is, but if
'csum failed ino' is one you could do:

journalctl --no-pager -t 'csum failed ino'

I don't know if these are generated by the kernel or by btrfsd or some other
unit; once we know what unit is involved you could use -u btrfs or similar.



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