[clug] Fwd: Introducing a few games that run on Linux

George at Clug Clug at goproject.info
Wed Oct 21 02:07:49 UTC 2015

    Thanks Bob for you review.  I have corrected the Minecraft

Sadly all the games are commercial (or have a commercial element to
them), none that I would call FOSS.

I exported as a PDF file: 
http://goproject.info/clug/files/DebianXfceAndSelectedGames.pdf and
yes, just having the text in the email works well.

Any comments on the relevance of including the explanation about the
version and installation of Linux that I did the testing on?  
I was wondering if including this was useful or not. I included it as
many articles that I read do not explain the actual Linux installation
and this can very much affect what supporting packages are available
or are missing.

I had not mentioned that Pokemmo, The Settlers OnLine, and Dragon
Fable are Flash based games and thus don't require installation, just
the flashplugin-nonfree for Iceweasel.  

I have found that at time Flash based advertisements on web pages can
totally crash the Flash player, requiring a full reboot to recover.

A few games that I have experimented with on Linux; Dragon Fable, The
Settlers OnLine, Pokemmo, Minecraft, FTB (Minecraft Mod), TUG, Ark
Survival Evolved.

Feed The Beast

_Create a folder _ 

# mkdir -p ~/Programs/FTB

# cd ~/Programs/FTB

_Download the FTB launcher from_ http://www.feed-the-beast.com/

# wget http://ftb.cursecdn.com/FTB2/launcher/FTB_Launcher.jar

_Create a shell script to run the FTB Launcher_

# nano ~/Programs/FTB/ftb.sh

_Enter the following text;_

cd ~/Programs/FTB

java -Xmx3024M -Xms3024M -jar FTB_Launcher.jar



_Create a folder _ 

# mkdir -p ~/Programs/Minecraft

# cd ~/Programs/Minecraft

_Download the Microsoft client jar file from_

# wget

_Create a shell script to run Minecraft_

# nano ~/Programs/Minecraft/minecraft.sh

_Enter the following text;_

cd ~/ Programs/Minecraft

java -jar ~/Programs/Minecraft/Minecraft.jar

Steam for Ark Survival Evolved

The Debian Wiki instructions for Steam worked very well, installing
all required packages;



deb http://http.debian.net/debian/ jessie main contrib non-free

# usermod -a -G video,audio _your_user_account_

# dpkg --add-architecture i386

# aptitude update

# aptitude install steam

At Wednesday, 21-10-2015 on 12:38 Bob Edwards wrote:

On 21/10/15 12:10, George at Clug wrote:
>          Bob - Thanks for pointing out the file attachment
> I have been testing out various games that my family currently play
> their Windows 7 computers. I wanted to see how well they run under
> Linux.
> The link below may allow you to download the Open Office document
> describes the
> Linux system that I tested the games on and gives a brief overview
> issues that I experienced and how I installed the games.
> If the link does not work for you, please let me know as I have had
> issues using these links before.
>    Please try this link;
> http://www.goproject.info/clug/files/DebianXfce.odt
> Should you have time, please read the document and mark-up any
> comments and/or document corrections, then email back to me
> (Clug at goproject.info). I would
> appreciate the proof reading.
> Thanks,
> George

Hi George,

Thanks, got it - looks good.

A couple of points:
- this document could just as easily be distributed as plain text
(or as several plain texts, one for each game etc.) even as an
- or, it could have been exported to PDF... (more accessible)

Under Minecraft, you have "Download the FTB launcher" - presumably
should be "Download the Minecraft launcher"

Under Feed the Beast, you might want to explain what the -Xmx3024M
etc. is all about.

Might be worth splitting into FOSS games, "free" games, and others?
(and indicate which is which - some care, presumably many don't).


Bob Edwards.

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